April 30, 2024

How to Build an FP&A Budget Model in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Excel provides a wide range of functions and features that can help you analyze and organize your data.

Bryan Austin

Excel provides a wide range of functions and features that can help you analyze and organize your data. In this tutorial, we will walk through the steps of building an FP&A budget model in Excel, including setting up the structure of the model, entering revenues and expenses, creating the income statement, and sharing the model with stakeholders.

We will also cover advanced techniques, such as using data validation rules, conditional formatting, charts and graphs, pivot tables, and macros, to make your budget model more efficient and effective.

Step 1: Determine the scope of your budget model

Before you start building your budget model, it's important to have a clear understanding of the scope of the model. Some questions to consider include:

  • What period will the budget cover? Will it be a yearly budget, or a budget for a specific project or product?
  • Who will be using the budget model? Will it be used internally by the finance team, or will it be shared with other departments or stakeholders?
  • What level of detail is required in the budget model? Will it be a high-level summary, or a detailed breakdown of expenses by department or cost center?

Answering these questions will help you determine the scope of your budget model and ensure that it meets the needs of its intended users.

Step 2: Set up the structure of your budget model

Next, you'll need to set up the structure of your budget model. This typically involves creating a number of worksheets within your workbook, each of which serves a specific purpose:

  • A worksheet for each budget period: If you're creating a multi-year budget, you'll need a separate worksheet for each year. If you're creating a budget for a specific project, you may only need one worksheet.
  • A worksheet for assumptions: This worksheet should contain any assumptions that you're making as you build your budget model. For example, you might assume a certain rate of inflation, or a specific level of sales growth.
  • A worksheet for revenues: This worksheet should contain all of the revenues that you expect to generate in the budget period. You might have separate rows for different products or services, or you might have a single row for total revenues.
  • A worksheet for expenses: This worksheet should contain all of the expenses that you expect to incur in the budget period. You can break down expenses by department or cost center, or you can have a single row for total expenses.
  • A worksheet for income statement: This worksheet should contain the income statement for the budget period, showing the difference between revenues and expenses.


Step 3: Enter your assumptions

On the assumptions worksheet, enter the values for any assumptions that you're making as you build your budget model. It's a good idea to label each assumption clearly, so that it's easy to understand what it represents. For example:

To make your budget model more flexible, you can use cell references to link your assumptions to other cells in the workbook. For example, you might use a cell reference to link an assumption for sales growth to a cell on the revenues worksheet. This way, if you change the value of the assumption, it will automatically update the corresponding value on the revenues worksheet.

Step 4: Enter your revenue streams

On the revenues worksheet, enter the values for all of the revenues that you expect to generate in the budget period. For example:

You can use a variety of Excel functions to calculate your revenues, such as SUM, AVERAGE, and IF.

For example, you might use the SUM function to add up the revenues from different products or services. Or, you might use the AVERAGE function to calculate the average revenue per customer.

You can also use cell references to link your revenues to other cells in the workbook. For example, you might use a cell reference to link the revenues from a particular product to a cell on the assumptions worksheet.

If you have multiple budget periods, you may want to use a table to organize your revenues data. You can create a table by selecting the data and then clicking the "Table" button in the "Tables" group on the "Insert" tab of the ribbon.

A table can make it easier to manage and analyze your data, as it allows you to use structured references and functions. For example, you can use a structured reference like "Table1[Product A]" to refer to the revenues for "Product A" in the table

Step 5: Enter your expenses

On the expenses worksheet, enter the values for all of the expenses that you expect to incur in the budget period. For example:

As with revenues, you can use a variety of Excel functions to calculate your expenses, such as SUM, AVERAGE, and IF.

You can also use cell references to link your expenses to other cells in the workbook. For example, you might use a cell reference to link the expenses for a particular department to a cell on the assumptions worksheet.

As with revenues, you may want to use a table to organize your expenses data if you have multiple budget periods.

Step 6: Create the income statement

On the income statement worksheet, create a layout that shows the difference between revenues and expenses for the budget period. You can use the SUM function to add up your revenues and expenses and the MINUS function to calculate the difference. For example:

You can also use cell references to link your income statement to other cells in the workbook. For example, you might use a cell reference to link the net income to a cell on the assumptions worksheet.

Step 7: Create additional worksheets as needed

Depending on the scope of your budget model, you may want to create additional worksheets to provide more detailed analysis.

To create these worksheets, you can use a variety of Excel functions and techniques, such as SUM, MINUS, and VLOOKUP. You can also use cell references to link your additional worksheets to other cells in the workbook. For example:

In this example:

  • The Sales Forecast worksheet uses the SUM function to add up all the expected sales for the next year.
  • The Expense Forecast worksheet uses the SUM function to add up all the expected expenses.
  • The Profit & Loss worksheet uses the MINUS function to subtract the total expenses from the total sales.
  • Finally, the Cash Flow worksheet uses the VLOOKUP function to find the expected cash outflow for any investments, and then subtracts that amount from the profit or loss for the year.

Step 8: Test and refine your budget model

Once you've completed your budget model, it's a good idea to test it to make sure that it's accurate and reliable. You can do this by making changes to your assumptions and inputting different data and seeing how it affects the output of your model.

If you find any errors or areas for improvement, you can make changes to your budget model as needed. This might involve revising your formulas, adding or removing worksheets, or adjusting the structure of your workbook.

Step 9: Share your budget model with stakeholders

Once you've completed and tested your budget model, you'll need to share it with the appropriate stakeholders. This might include members of your finance team, as well as other departments or external stakeholders.

To share your budget model, you can save it as an Excel file and share it via email or a shared network drive. You can also use a tool like Microsoft Teams or Google Sheets to collaborate on the budget model in real-time.

When sharing your budget model with stakeholders, it's important to provide clear instructions on how to use it and any limitations or assumptions that you've made. You should also be prepared to answer any questions or concerns that stakeholders might have about the budget model.

It's also a good idea to periodically review and update your budget model as needed. This might involve making changes to your assumptions, inputting new data, or revising your formulas. By keeping your budget model up-to-date, you can ensure that it accurately reflects the current state of your business and helps you make informed decisions.

Step 10: Set up data validation rules

To help ensure the accuracy and consistency of your budget model, you can use data validation rules to specify the type of data that can be entered into specific cells. For example, you might set up a rule that only allows numerical values to be entered into cells on the revenues worksheet, or that prevents negative values from being entered into cells on the expenses worksheet.

To set up a data validation rule, select the cells that you want to apply the rule to, and then go to the "Data" tab on the ribbon and click the "Data Validation" button. In the "Data Validation" dialog box, you can specify the type of data that you want to allow and any other criteria that the data must meet.

Step 11: Use conditional formatting to highlight important data

Conditional formatting is a feature in Excel that allows you to apply formatting to cells based on specific conditions. You can use conditional formatting to highlight cells that meet certain criteria, such as values above or below a certain threshold, or values that are in the top or bottom percentiles.

To use conditional formatting, select the cells that you want to apply the formatting to, and then go to the "Home" tab on the ribbon and click the "Conditional Formatting" button. In the "Conditional Formatting" menu, you can choose from a variety of formatting options and specify the conditions that trigger the formatting, as in the example below:

Step 12: Create charts and graphs to visualize your data

Charts and graphs can be a powerful way to visualize your budget data and make it easier to understand and analyze. Excel provides a wide range of chart types, such as line charts, bar charts, and pie charts, that you can use to display your data in different ways.

To create a chart, select the data that you want to include in the chart and then go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon and click the "Chart" button. In the "Insert Chart" dialog box, you can choose the type of chart that you want to create and customize its appearance.

Step 13: Use pivot tables to summarize and analyze your data

Pivot tables are a powerful tool in Excel that allow you to summarize and analyze large amounts of data quickly and easily. You can use pivot tables to group and filter your data, calculate totals and averages, and create interactive charts and graphs.

To create a pivot table, select the data that you want to include in the table and then go to the "Insert" tab on the ribbon and click the "PivotTable" button. In the "Create PivotTable" dialog box, you can choose the location for your pivot table and specify the data that you want to include, as per below example:

Step 14: Use macros to automate tasks

Macros are small programs that you can create in Excel to automate tasks that you perform frequently. For example, you might create a macro to automatically update your budget model with new data, or to create a report that summarizes your budget data.

To create a macro, go to the "View" tab on the ribbon and click the "Macros" button. In the "Macros" dialog box, you can choose to create a macro from scratch or record a macro as you perform a task in Excel (screenshot below). Once you've created your macro, you can assign it to a button or other control, or run it from the "Macros" dialog box.

Alternative Single Step: Let us take care of all the hard work for you

We get it. Not everyone is excited about setting up complicated Excel formulas, macros or writing VBA code. That's where FuzionFi comes in. Created by Bryan Austin, one of the top financial analysts in the US, and his team of FP&A experts, FuzionFi is a custom VBA tool that helps you create accurate and fast forecasts by automating repetitive (and boring) tasks.

Our automations, tailored to your specific needs, handle all the hard work for you, resulting in a significant reduction in the risk of human error and faster completion of your tasks. The end result? Precise reports you can trust, promptly delivered, all without leaving Excel and not touching a single line of code.

Book a demo call today and see for yourself how FuzionFi can help you revolutionize your FP&A routine.

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Bryan Austin
Bryan Austin is an experienced financial market strategist, innovator, business development and sales executive.